Quick Reference

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docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash - To log in to the container

docker-compose up -d - Detach mode

docker-compose down -v - Remove declared volumes

docker container run -i -t -p 1000:8000 --rm my_image

VS Code

Ctrl + K v  Open Preview to the side (Extension Required Markdown Preview Enabled)

Ctrl + K u Close the preview

Ctrl + Shift + K Delets line (Also in Sublime)

TMUX Shortcuts

tmux new -s myname

tmux a # (or at, or attach)

tmux a -t myname

tmux ls 

Ctrl+B C Create window

Ctrl+B W List Windows

Ctrl+B N Next window

Ctrl+B P Previous window

Ctrl+B F Find window

Ctrl+B , Name window

Ctrl+B & Kill window

Ctrl+B % Vertical split

Ctrl+B " Horizontal split

Ctrl+B O Swap panes

Ctrl+B Q Show pane numbers

Ctrl+B X Kill pane

Ctrl+B Arrow Keys Move to pane

Useful commands

Jekyll build

bundle exec jekyll serve

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